Posts by: Sagan Morrow

Easy, budget-friendly ways to exercise

I used to wear my pedometer on a daily basis. I loved it. We had such memorable times together. Then we decided to take a break. It's not you, it's me! I felt it was necessary to explore other avenues of exercise besides walking. After enough time had passed, I…

An accidental marriage

The Bride was married on Friday! It all went beautifully, even though a number of things occurred which could have potentially had disastrous consequences, including: The hair stylist burning off an entire lock of The Bride's hair with the hair curler. The MOB arriving at the church 15 minutes after…

Becoming a yogi

Studies across the board suggest that yogis have a lower body weight and body fat percentage than most, in addition to having healthy, balanced bodies. Although yoga itself doesn't burn a lot of calories, it's believed that people who practice yoga are more in-tune with their bodies, and therefore are…

Kardea Nutrition

Thank you for all of your help with emcee advice/support. I really hope it goes well this weekend! I am spending much of the week on wedding duty - here's hoping everything goes smoothly :) In other news, I'm happy to announce that I'm now an affiliate of Kardea Nutrition!…

Wedding questions

I get a microphone for a whole evening! On Thursday night, The Bride called me to ask if I would be emcee at her wedding. Considering my love of public speaking and standing in front of an audience, I immediately said yes. Her wedding is a two-day affair this coming…

Guest post: helpful tips for avoiding the freshman 15

"The Freshman 15" refers to the weight often gained by first year college students. Why do some students gain weight? A major factor is dining at all-you-can-eat college cafeterias, which typically serve fatty foods and foods rich in carbohydrates. Drinking too much alcohol makes college students plump, as alcohol contains…

Popchips review and giveaway

Chips, popcorn, and other salty snack foods are really tough to stop eating. I think that most of us have cravings for these foods at least some of the time. I certainly have a weakness for salty snacks! Enter Popchips. What can I say about Popchips? The first time I…

Five steps for doing a liquid fast

For my semi-fast this week, I did an all-day green shake. Tasty! Each green shake contained 1 cup cold water, 1/2 frozen banana, just less than 1 scoop Tropical Traditions greens powder, and 50 grams organic medium firm tofu. I drank ten of these in total, along with lots of green…