Posts by: Sagan Morrow

The Positivity Journal

Follow my blog with Bloglovin For more than three months now, I've been using a Positivity Journal. At the end of every day, I take out my journal and write down the date and a few words or sentences about things that made me happy that day or positive things…

The One Accessory to Make Any Outfit Glamorous

One simple accessory can really go the difference to make pull your outfit together and add instant glamor, making your whole look have instant class and style - almost effortlessly. What is that one accessory? A gorgeous, very long string of pearls. Loop the pearls around your neck twice, and…

An Update on the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

Grab your free green smoothie booklet now >> Today is Day 7 of the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse! It's been going pretty well so far. The first couple of days were quite enjoyable (I'm assuming because of the novelty of it). Day 3, on the other hand, was tough. That…

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

Grab your free green smoothie booklet now >> Some time ago---as in, mid-September---I received a copy of JJ Smith's 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse*. I read it almost immediately upon receiving it and was determined to try out the 10-day cleanse. And then... days passed by without doing it. I loved…

How frequently should you wash your hair?

To get really gorgeous hair, you need to strike a balance between washing your hair too much - which will dry it out - and washing your hair too little - which will leave it looking greasy until your next wash. The best way to do it? Wash your hair…

How to Perform a Great Push-Up

Last week I talked about why push-ups are awesome---this week, we're looking at how to do a good-form push-up! How to perform a great push-up in four steps (using good form!): 1) Choose a good setting. You want enough floor space that you can stretch out and not get obstructed…

Easy Halloween Costume Idea: Bond Girl

So you've been invited to a Halloween party last-minute and you have no idea how you can throw together a costume with just 24 hours to spare. Never fear! A Bond girl costume is just what you need. A number of years ago, I dressed like a Bond girl for…

Review: Green Virgin Products

I recently had the opportunity to try laundry detergent and handcrafted bar soap from Green Virgin Products. It's always so nice to discover new, natural, green products on the market! Green Virgin Products are made from soap nuts, which I had never heard of before. It turns out, soap nuts…

How to Wear a Poncho

Ponchos can be a lovely item to wear in the autumn and winter. In fact, you can also wear ponchos in the spring and summer! It's a nice versatile piece (click here to check out how I wore it last week), but you do need to think carefully about your…