Food & Fitness

Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Life update

I know I’ve been MIA recently – there’s been a lot going on! Working in the noprofit sector is exciting and rewarding and awesome, but it also takes tons of energy. Since I’m preparing for the big launch of our local food challenge (taking place this coming Saturday – at the Forks – with an emcee from CBC – and presentations by local farmers – and a scavenger hunt for kids!), I haven’t had much energy outside of work. And then there was my final nutrition exam, which I took yesterday.

This exam was the hardest one yet. It was Nutrition for Fitness & Sport, so it also dealt with the chemical structure of nutrients and such. Very science-y. But I took my final exam, and I completed it with a high score… so now I’m just waiting for my diploma to come in the mail, which will give me the designation of Certified Holistic Nutritionist! So exciting. It took me nearly a year to finish all of my correspondence courses, and it feels amazing to have finally completed my diploma program through the Alive Academy. This means that I’ll be able to do nutrition consults and help others one-on-one to eat more nutritiously. Fun!

I let myself have about four hours on Saturday afternoon to be over the moon about finishing my program, and then I began another project: my next novel. I suppose I should really finish my current one before I begin another one, but… oh well. I need to always have several things on the go 🙂

Health update and the Raw Food Month

Eating mostly raw til dinner this month is so far going well. I’m quite enjoying it, and I find that I have more energy throughout the day when I eat raw. Very interesting! This week the weather is supposed to be a little chillier and it can be more difficult to eat raw when the weather is colder – but that’s what tea and heaters are for 😉

I’ve been exercising on my own rather than going to the gym, but I haven’t been pushing myself as much as I know I could be. Exercise is super important to me since it’s such a great outlet for relieving stress (and it also energizes you even more!). So last week I sat down with the computer and searched for boot camps in the area. Unfortunately more boot camps are out in the suburbs, which is completely useless to me since I both live and work downtown, BUT I found a boot camp at Pro(Ag)gressive Fitness which is sort of on my way to the office. It’s really reasonably priced and it looks super awesome, so I’m doing my first class tomorrow! I haven’t done a boot camp in such a long time – and I’ve missed it. The first couple weeks are going to be very tough, but definitely worth it.

What have you been up to lately? Have you ever done a boot camp, or would you ever? What’s your take on eating raw until dinner? Share in the comments section below!


  1. Grange Morrow

    Congratulations on your certification! We will see you at the Local Food Challenge next week. Also, I think there may be a bootcamp at the rec centre at Confusion Corner…

  2. Pingback: 10-Day Green Smoothie CleanseLiving Healthy in the Real World

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