Food & Fitness

E-book Excerpt

I mentioned last week that I’d give you all a little teaser excerpt from my e-book. I also just want to acknowledge that the father dear was my peer reviewer for Healthy Living How-To, and that his input was invaluable! He’s also coming home from Cambodia for a few weeks over the holidays – hurray! I’m picking him up from the airport this coming Saturday 🙂

As promised, here is an excerpt straight from my e-book. I chose a section from the chapter on travel to share with you all. Enjoy!

Click on the book to see a preview of the first eleven pages!

Travelling as a Lifestyle

Why have I included travelling in a Healthy Living How-To book? With increased global communication and transportation making it so much easier to get from one part of the world to another, travelling has become almost a trend. Many people under 30 years of age in the middle and upper classes have grown up travelling across the country, continent, or the world. For many career positions, travelling to different parts of the country is a requirement. Families live all over the world nowadays, so travelling is necessary to visit them.

Increased accessibility of travel also means that people are able to take vacations and go sightseeing without as much of a hassle as there would have been 20 years ago. Travelling has indeed become an entire lifestyle in and of itself. We learn about ourselves just as much as we learn about other cultures when we leave our hometowns, and we can use that knowledge and understanding to broaden our horizons and increase our potential in life.

Health Benefits of Travel

Because travelling has become a major part of many people’s lives, it has a huge impact on our health. Travel can be stressful; adapting to new cultures, perspectives, temperatures, language, and food all take a toll on the body. Travel is also stressful in a good way, because it enhances our world view and allows us to think about ideas in new ways.

Whatever your reasons for travelling, if you are willing to be open-minded and to learn from any obstacles that get in the way, you will enjoy it immensely. This is also an opportunity to take a holiday and get away from the everyday to try something totally different from what you are used to.

In this chapter, I go on to identify several different types of travel (group tours, backpacking, rail passes, camping, and road trip), and how you can choose the right type of travel based on your personality and style. This chapter also includes information for how to organize your travelling experience and preparing for it, how to adapt to a new culture, dealing with language barriers, choosing a travel companion, advice on sight-seeing on responsibilities as a tourist, and what to do when you’re feeling stressed out away from home.

For example, camping in the backwoods in Canada:

camping at a lake

Filling up a water bottle in the pouring rain in Riding Mountain.

…is much different than going on a sight-seeing tour of Texas:


The mother dear and I in San Antonio.

Are you travelling in the near future? What are your tips for staying healthy (mentally and physically!) when you’re away from home?


  1. Pingback: Travel advice taken straight from my healthy living e-book … | Importance of Health

  2. Blair Stover

    I love traveling and think it is a must in order to relax. It is also a great way to see places that you never would be able to otherwise. Also, when traveling don’t be afraid to try new things. Often, that is when the memories happen.

  3. The Bird Cage

    Sagan, this is so exciting and useful!

    I do plan trips: next year I would like to Galapagos, Ecuador and Lebanon. Those are all the trips I wanted to take this year, but had to post-pone! I even started planning for Lebanon already and I cannot wait!

    I actually came here with a question: I would like to *attempt* to start *trying* meditating. Have you done this yourself? Do you have any tips? Do you have any books I could refer to? Any words of advise?

    Thanks Sagan!

    1. Sagan Morrow

      Wonderful question! I’ll write a blog post about it next week, actually, because I think that there’s so much to be discussed about meditation that it deserves a full post about it.

      But to answer your first question – yes. I’ve tried meditating. I’m really bad at it 😉 BUT I’m learning lots from my attempts! I think a major part of meditation is learning to let go. And for those of us who have some underlying control issues, it can be very difficult indeed to manage that.

      I’ll have a blog post up next week about this topic!

  4. Pingback: Travel advice taken straight from my healthy living e-book … | Healthy Living Creating Wealth

  5. Gaby

    Yes! I’m so glad you featured your travel sections! Healthy travel is my main mission in life. I don’t think I could live without traveling and I definitely would not stay sane. But of course you have to learn how to do it right to make it a truly beneficial experience. I really think it should be a life requirement for everyone though, you just can’t grow as a person without experiencing life outside your comfort zone. It’s what my blog is all about 🙂
    I should write a post on staying healthy while traveling soon! I have no travels planned for now and am actually quite relieved to be staying home for a while. I need a break! But that does mean I won’t have much to write about. It’s ok though because I can never stay in town too long so I’m sure I’ll start jet setting again come January.

  6. Jody - Fit at 53

    I so wish we could afford a vacation! We have a timeshare – bought it way back when they first came out…. they have a full kitchen so when we do go, all is good. I can stock the kitchen with food I want! 🙂 My carry on is usually full of food to take too.. in case I can’t find my favs where I am going…

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