Food & Fitness

Radio co-host for Wooden Spoons

One of the things about being healthy is making sure that we continue to always learn new things, exercise our brains, and expand our horizons. I'm doing that - starting today! - by volunteering as a radio co-host for the Wooden Spoons program on CKUW 95.9 FM. To quote from…

The Ultimate Nutrition Challenge

For months now, I've been itching to do another nutrition challenge. It's been ages since I last did one! But I've been holding it off because I wanted to get emotional eating under control (I think that's a good enough challenge in and of itself). Thanks to Geneen Roth, I've…

The problem with calcium supplements that they're packed full of nasty ingredients. I used to buy a container of calcium-magnesium powder, and that's all that was in it - just your basic calcium and magnesium. The powder was great because I could mix it with water, add it to smoothies or put it into…

Plant-based sources of calcium

We all know that dairy products are a good source of calcium - but did you know that only 32% of the calcium in cow's milk is absorbed in your body? Low-oxalate greens such as kale and broccoli provide 40 - 70% absorbable calcium! Clearly plant-based foods are the way…

When your account gets shut down

On Sunday morning, I woke up to an awful email from my website provider, announcing that my account had been suspended. And they would delete my account permanently if I didn't resolve the issue within 10 days. Eeeeek! I know it's just the Internet, it's just a blog, but it…

Spare Time

Where have I been this week? Somehow it's Friday and I haven't posted once! The big issue here is that our Internet has gone bonkers (to use the technical term ;)). I'm not sure if it's because Mr. Science and I have a desktop computer and two laptops between us…

Canning at home

My contract with Fruit Share is almost up (just about a week left!), and I'd like to take some of the skills I've learned through Fruit Share and apply them to everyday life. Specifically, preserving and canning fruits and vegetables at home. I had never canned anything before I started…

Plant-based sources of iron

After my blog post about the iron content in spinach on Monday, fd asked about where to find iron in plant-based sources. I'm currently putting together lists of foods containing various vitamins and minerals for my clients, so this was a good research opportunity! Bearing in mind that adult men…

Why should I eat spinach?

The other day, I posted on my Facebook page that spinach is not a good source of calcium. Even though it has a high calcium content, we can't absorb the calcium because the calcium is bound with oxalates. We actually only absorb about 5% of the calcium in spinach! Then…