Food & Fitness

11 days of green smoothies

I've been thinking of doing a loooooong green smoothie "fast" for a few months now, but haven't gotten around to it, mostly because social events revolving around food kept cropping up. So last week I took a look at my schedule and discovered that, starting the day after Easter (today!),…

Happy Easter everyone!

And the winner of the acupressure mat is... Barb! Congratulations! Send me your mailing address and I'll ensure that you get your prize. In the spirit of my four-day weekend, and being able to finally see the boyfriend again now that his exams are all completed (hurray!), I'm taking the…

Sharing food preferences

This past weekend I worked at/attended Misericordia's Angel Ball. It was a fantastic event! It was wonderful to see so many people out there supporting a great cause, and the evening itself went so smoothly. During the delicious dinner, a good friend who was there with me as a volunteer…

DIY Acupressure

Acupuncture has a wide range of benefits. I've seen first-hand what acupuncture can do at the vet clinic that I work at, Natural Healing Veterinary Care. It can treat many health conditions and vastly improve quality of life. Anyone can benefit from getting some acupuncture. Acupuncturists can be expensive to…

Hydrogen peroxide in honey: is it safe?

Westwood brought up an interesting point the other day on my post about healing with honey. She said: Well as much as I am all for natural healing products, if it converts to hydrogen peroxide, that isn’t a good thing. Hydrogen peroxide used to be commonly used because it was…

The healing properties of honey

Last week I mentioned that I used honey to heal a bad cut that I got on my heel. After a commenter said that they had never heard of honey being used in this way, I figured I should devote a post to the healing properties of honey! Honey is…

What I ate on Friday and Saturday

On Friday I ate: - 6 green shakes (water, greens powder, frozen banana, and organic tofu). - Big oat cake (local oats, vanilla protein powder, banana, cinnamon, and a little water all mashed together and formed into a "cake"). - Dinner with the boyfriend: Brown rice pasta with roasted red…

How to stay safe in a sketchy neighbourhood

I live in the heart of the downtown in Winnipeg. I absolutely love it. I'm so close to everything and the heritage buildings are absolutely gorgeous. The only problem is that there aren't too many people living in this area - yet - and so it can be a rather…

Wednesday and Thursday’s eats

On Wednesday I ate: - 7 green shakes. - 3 oat cakes. - Salad with 1/4 avocado, a few mushrooms, 1/4 apple, mixed spring greens, and a drizzle of dressing. - Spirulina super chips. - Homemade "chocolate" (PB2, chocolate protein powder, and local honey). - 4 romaine lettuce wraps with…