Food & Fitness

Tips from a Raw Foodist

My friend Jeff (the one who started our urban indoor garden) is a raw foodist with his own blog, The Cool Vegetarian, so he and I decided to do a video interview together! Check it out below to hear his tips for eating healthy, even in the winter when the need…

How to make a Time Capsule

Ten years ago, the mother dear, father dear, sistertraveller, and myself put together a time capsule. We were living in The Netherlands at the time, and we each put a few items together in a big envelope. We planned on opening it on the eve of 2010. Our promise was that we would all have to be together in order to open it...

A Year in Review

Today I want to focus on the positive. In fact, I want to talk about an entire year of positivity! Now that we've reached the end of 2010, it's time for some reflection on the past 12 months and what they brought us. My year in review January: I purchased…

Diets around the world

For the past two years I have worked with the United Nations in Cambodia, spending a lot of my time “in the field” with local Cambodian colleagues. Aside from the work and cultural interests, it has been a culinary adventure. Here are some of my experiences of eating in open-air Cambodian food stalls/restaurants in the countryside...

Happy Holidays!

Giveaway of an e-book based off of the Living Healthy in the Real World blog: "Healthy Living How-To: Building Health and Happiness in All Areas of Life" by Sagan E. G. Morrow.

Raising Awareness about Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is "a common disease in which your bones become brittle and more porous". Often people don't realize they're at risk until they've already fractured a bone. Many could be going about their lives with weakened bones without even realizing it. is a resource to learn more about hone health.

How to Meditate

Meditation is about awareness and focus, which, incidentally, is what a lot of this blog is really about. But the act of true meditation - getting into a seated position or lying down and letting your mind go free - is one of those things that not many of us do. This blog post offers six tips for beginners interested in trying meditation.