Food & Fitness

Day Seven of the Raw Food Challenge

Yesterday, on Day Six of the Raw Food Challenge, I ate: - 1/2 apple and a smoothie made with 1 frozen banana, 1 kale leaf, 1/2 scoop calcium/magnesium powder, the contents of 1 Probiotic capsule, lemon water, orange juice pulp, and frozen blueberries - 1 apple with cashew butter and…

Transitioning to a Raw Food Diet

Yesterday, on Day Five of the Raw Food Challenge, I ate: - 1 glass lemon water with 1/2 scoop calcium/magnesium powder and leftover banana pancakes smeared with sesame seed butter and topped with frozen blueberries - 1/2 apple with chocolate spread and a few sweet potato chips - 1 apple…

Day Five of the Raw Food Challenge

Yesterday, on Day Four of the Raw Food Challenge, I ate: - Banana pancakes (I used this recipe but made them a smaller pancake-size rather than crepe-size) spread with sunflower seed butter and topped with blueberries, plus a glass of homemade juice made with a small handful green grapes, 1/2…

Exceptions to the Raw Food Challenge

Yesterday, on Day Three of the Raw Food Challenge, I ate: - A small handful cashews/sunflower seeds and a smoothie made with 1 frozen banana, 1 leaf kale, 1/2 scoop calcium/magnesium powder, 3/4 cup water, 1/2 tsp cacao powder, 1/8 cup orange juice pulp, and 1 tbsp wheat germ -…

Day Three of the Raw Food Challenge

Yesterday, on Day Two of the Challenge, I ate: - A few sweet potato chips dusted with cumin/black pepper/sea salt made in my dehydrator (I'd made them the night before and absolutely had to give them a taste!); freshly squeezed juice from my juicer: 2 kale leaves (without stem), a…

Day Two of the Raw Food Challenge

Yesterday, on Day One of the Raw Food Challenge, I ate: - Smoothie with 1/2 frozen banana, 3/4 cup water, 1/8 cup each orange pulp and kale pulp (both leftover from my juicer), 1/4 cup frozen blueberries, 1 tbsp each wheat germ and ground flaxseed, and 1/2 scoop calcium/magnesium powder…

The Raw Food Challenge Begins!

Welcome one and all to the Raw Food Challenge! I like the idea of doing this challenge in January. Although it might be one of the colder months of the year, somehow a good health challenge always makes the time pass quicker and makes life in general more interesting. Also,…

Day 31 of the 200 Reps Challenge

The last day! Go us! (Um, next year, I think we'll be back to 100 reps. I don't think I quite knew what I was getting myself into ;)). Hears to a lovely past year and lots of goodness to come in the New Year. 20 Stability Ball Shoulder Stabilizations…

January’s Nutrition Challenge: Raw Food Diet

It's been a few months since our last month-long nutrition challenge, which was veganism. To kick off the New Year, we're going for a brand new month-long nutrition challenge: a raw food diet! What is a Raw Food Diet? A raw food diet is a way of eating which includes…