Food & Fitness

Gadget Confusion

Diana at Scale Junkie has set up a fantastic Summer Blog Party, and there's a step challenge that I was quick to sign up for over at Always the Big Girl. The idea is to wear a pedometer to measure how many steps we take for the month of July.…

Super Delicious Apple Banana Bread

I know, I know- there are countless banana bread recipes out there. And like I said in my last post, most kinds of banana bread are really awesome. It's tough to make a bad-tasting banana bread no matter what recipe you use. So what's so special about this particular banana…

Slight changes can make all the difference

I've spoken about my love for/obsession with peanut butter, but is there some kind of addictive substance in the combination of bananas and bread as well? Whenever I make my special homemade banana bread, I devour it within two days. By myself. The entire loaf. Sometimes a family member will…

Motivation and Body Image

MizFit Poster Girl! My very own MizFit bracelet arrived in the mail yesterday! It is lovely and orange. Click here to learn more about the bracelet. I was very excited to get it, and not only because I like getting stuff in the mail that isn't just a boring visa…

Push Up Challenges and Diets

Today at boot camp, one of the other women came up to me to tell me how much she admires my on-the-toes push ups. It was such an unexpected and sweet compliment! I am sure that I would not have pushed myself quite so hard if she hadn't said that…

Immune systems breaking down and building up again

No matter how well we treat ourselves, our immune systems are never perfect. At some point or another, the busy lifestyles we lead catches up to us and we fall ill. It's especially unfortunate, I think, to become sick in the summer. At least if you're going to be sick…

Food Choices

My natural-foods choices have been slipping of late- just small amounts, but they add up. Between the movie theater popcorn, the boxed pancake mix, the store-bought bread, and the French fries, these small handfuls and tastes have started to affect me in surprising ways. My body is no longer accustomed…


Happy Fathers Day!! This morning my sister and I took my daddy out for breakfast in celebration of Fathers Day. Months ago, he and I had planned to run the half marathon together and we both started running and trying to train up for it. So what am I doing…

My Tools

We all have special "tools" that become a part of who we are as we go through our lives- certain things that become a necessity in their proximity to us. These are some of my most favorite "tools" that I cart around everywhere: - Bert's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm. It…