Food & Fitness

How to Keep Fit in the Workplace

I’m the Workplaces in motion leader at my office, and I adore that part of my job is to keep active and encourage the other staff members to keep active, too! Here are a few techniques that you can use to get fit while working (it will even help to boost your energy and productivity):

how to keep fit

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  • Stand or walk around while taking a phone call
  • Make a point of getting up to stretch for 30 seconds on the hour, every hour
  • Wear a pedometer for a few days and challenge yourself to get in more steps each day
  • Go for a 15-minute team walk at lunchtime
  • Take a short break to walk around the block mid-afternoon
  • Try going for a walking or bicycling meeting with a co-worker
  • Make a commitment to walk up at least 10 flights of stairs for a week
  • If you can raise your computer or tilt the screen, try standing instead of sitting at your desk for a morning or afternoon
  • Right before or right after a particularly stressful / busy week around the office, organize a group yoga session during lunch
  • Invest in workout equipment (exercise balls, dumbbells, resistance bands, or even a treadmill or stationary bike) at the office so you can all exercise while working or when you need a break from staring at the computer

What are some of your favourite ideas for working out (and remaining productive!) at the office? Share in the comments section below!

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