Food & Fitness

What inspires you to live healthy?

I've been "living not blogging" the past month - I'll do my best to start "living AND blogging" again ;) I've been thinking a lot lately about what inspires us to be healthy, to eat well, to stay active. Everyone is going to have their own little areas of inspiration,…

Favourite Raw Foods

Eating mainly raw food can seem daunting, but it's actually pretty basic once you get the hang of it. Here are some of my favourite things that I eat regularly: Sprouted lentils, beans and legumes. They take about 5 days to sprout, and all you have to do is put…

Now offering nutrition appointments

Now that I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, I am taking appointments! I'm eager to share what I've learned and to do what I can to help out others who are interested in eating healthier and feeling awesome. Nutrition sessions can include everything from a focus on managing weight to…

Banana Bread recipe (with pea flour!)

I was certain that life would become less crazy after our big local food launch, but apparently I was wrong. I've again been too busy for blogging! However, our launch went super well (CBC's The National covered us and played our segment three days in a row!). If you want…

Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Life update I know I've been MIA recently - there's been a lot going on! Working in the noprofit sector is exciting and rewarding and awesome, but it also takes tons of energy. Since I'm preparing for the big launch of our local food challenge (taking place this coming Saturday…

Local or organic?

A question I get asked a lot these days is, should I choose local or organic? The answer would likely be "both!" but sometimes you get one without the other, and then you have to make a decision. Which is the better option? First we should differentiate between the two.…

The Leanwashing Index

And the winner of the Carb Lovers Diet Cookbook is... Anne! Email me your mailing address and I'll make sure you get your copy. The Leanwashing Index is a newly-launched project by EnviroMedia Social Marketing to rate the rhetoric and health claims of various ads based on a set criteria.…

National Sleep Awareness Week

This week is National Sleep Awareness Week. As someone who routinely experiences loss of sleep, I think it's wonderful that there is a whole foundation devoted to increasing awareness about just how important sleep truly is. You can learn more about National Sleep Awareness Week by visiting the Sleep Foundation.…