Food & Fitness

Adventures in Kayaking

This weekend I went on a kayaking trip with the boyfriend and Westwood. It was fantastic! I hadn't been kayaking in years. The boyfriend has his own kayak and Westwood has been a canoe tripper pretty much forever, so it was great that they had some experience. We were away…

Making the switch to a new job

Today I'm leaving with the boyfriend and Westwood for a three-day kayaking trip! Hope you all have a great long weekend :) Our "Managing a 60-hour workweek" mini-series will begin next week, but today I wanted to announce that this was my last week working at the vet clinic (if…

The boyfriend cooks: swoon-worthy stir fry

The boyfriend is, as I've mentioned before, an amazing cook - both for the simple and the gourmet meals. I don't operate quite in the same way. Some background to this story: About a month ago I was at my friend Briars's house, and we decided to make dinner. He's…

How to manage a 60-hour workweek

It's time for another mini-series! Ever since I started university, I've been working overtime. Between being a full-time student and working part-time, plus doing extra things like my kind of insane exercise schedule that I had throughout university and very regular blogging, my days were incredibly full. It's only gotten…

Organization Techniques

Lists are one of my favourite techniques for staying organized! Today I am... - Running in my bright blue Vibrams with the boyfriend. - Meeting with my new boss to discuss the fun and awesome things that we are going to be doing in the coming months (more on the…

53 km in 3.5 days

Last week Mr. Science and I traveled to Sleeping Giant to hike 53 km over the course of 3.5 days. It was an amazing trip---we both have such a passion for hiking and really enjoyed both the beauty of the scenery and the challenge of the trail. This was easily…

Chocolate has a place in a healthy lifestyle, too

Home from hiking! We did 53 km over the course of four days - it was challenging but absolutely fantastic. I'll share more details about the hike later this week! I'm really excited about a new product that I was introduced to by Andrea Metcalf: Xocai chocolate. It's a chocolate…

How to eat healthy while camping

Since the boyfriend and I are away on a 5-day hike, I figured I'd write a post about the food that we're eating. Food is essential in everyday living, but it is especially important to have a steady fuel intake when you're back-country camping. This particular hiking trip is over…

Benefits of exercising with your spouse

Today the boyfriend and I are heading out for a back-country camping trip to Sleeping Giant. We're going to be hiking for hours every day until Sunday! I'm really looking forward to our first big hiking trip this summer :) This post is in honour of our favourite shared activity,…

Should I buy organic?

I have been reading the amazing book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by the very talented Barbara Kingsolver. Her book is about how she and her family spent an entire year living on a farm, growing their own food and eating local. It's fascinating to be able…