Posts by: Sagan Morrow

FitBloggin 2011 recap

Everyone at FitBloggin' was seriously amazing. I can't believe how nice and sweet everyone was. Bloggers are awesome! Kerry and Sean were some of the first friends that I made on Thursday night. Jenn and I quickly bonded over our shared affection for Charlotte, rainy walks and bookstores :) Friday…

Generating good karma

I am exhausted from the conference this weekend, but oh my goodness it was amazing!!! I had the best time ever and will be posting a re-cap of FitBloggin' later this week for everyone who wasn't able to make it and also to share some awesome new blogs for you…

At FitBloggin’!

I'm at FitBloggin'. Listening to sessions, participating in fun fitness activities and meeting awesome bloggers. So I'm taking the day off blogging. Send me a message if you're in Baltimore so we can meet up :) Hope you all have a lovely long weekend!

FitBloggin’ 2011 and eating healthy on the road

Tomorrow I head out to Baltimore for FitBloggin'! I'm very much looking forward to getting away for the weekend and especially to be able to meet up with lots of other health and fitness bloggers. The conference sessions look fantastic. (By the way, who's all going to FitBloggin'? I'd love…

Sitting is killing you

You all know that I'm a big proponent of walking (glorious glorious walking!), but I'm also a big advocate of standing. There are so many reasons why we should stand more often in the day than sit! I recently received an email promoting the graphic below and was asked to…

Health benefits of green smoothies

I've been talking a lot about green smoothies recently, so I figured I should highlight the awesomeness of them and explain why you should start incorporating them into your diet! From first-hand experience, I can honestly say that green smoothies made me feel amazing. I liked having a little bit…

Returning to “school”

I have finally started my Certified Holistic Nutritionist diploma program (distance ed through the Alive Academy). When I finished university last year, I was convinced that I was "done" with school. I had really enjoyed it while I was taking the courses, but I just wasn't interested in pursuing further…

Recap of my 11 Days of Green Smoothies

During my green smoothie challenge, I lost 5.5 lbs and 1.3 % body fat! But so much more happened during the challenge than just weight/fat loss. This is what I learned: 1) Green smoothies provide you with energy... 2) ...but they also make you crash. On Day Four, I slept…

Green smoothie recipes (all vegan, mostly raw)

Happy Mother's Day weekend! I'm lucky this weekend and get to spend Friday evening, much of the day Saturday and much of the day Sunday with the mother dear. She's been the provincial president of her women's group, PEO, for the past year (and was on the provincial board for…