Food & Fitness

Growing an Organic Garden

It's frustrating that things such as the Slow Food Movement really don't accommodate to people who aren't financially well-off. And that's why myself and some others are sharing an indoor, urban, organic, community garden! Sharing nutritious food is one of the first steps that we can take to ensuring that more people have access to nutritious, affordable whole foods.

Living Healthy in the Real World: The Book!

It's here at last. I've finally completed writing and editing my book and it's been converted to PDF. "Healthy Living How-To: Building Health and Happiness in All Areas of Life" is now available for purchase - just in time for the holidays!

Winter is here to stay…

It's been snowing non-stop for the past few days, which is very pretty, but it also means that the cold weather is here to stay! This is my list of wardrobe staples for surviving a freezing Canadian winter and staying warm.

Old Hobbies, Reinvented

Yesterday I sat down at the piano and I played a few songs. It was the first time I had touched a piano in about a year. Before that, it had probably been about another year. The sistertraveller and I both took piano lessons when we were younger. We took…